JavaScript: Everyday Utilities and Recipes

Praveen Singh
2 min readAug 23, 2022



Table Of Content

· String
Generate UUID
· Math
Random Numbers
Reverse Number
· Array
Remove Duplicate values from an Array
Concat one array to another, without creating a new one.
Shuffle an array
Generate and Fill Array
· Object
Object to Map
Map to Object



function isString(value) {
return typeof value === "string" || value instanceof String;

/* TEST */
console.log(isString("abc") === true);
console.log(isString(new String("abc")) === true); // just typeof value === "string" will miss the String Objects

Generate UUID

window.crypto.randomUUID() // '95a1faba-54c3-498f-8e9f-30968cc5d93f'



function isNumber(value) {
return typeof value === "number" && isFinite(value);

isNumber(10); // true
isNumber(5.1); // true
isNumber(NaN); // false, just typeof value === "number" will fail here

Random Numbers

Simple: Simple Random Number Generator (Good for most of the cases)

const genRandomNumbers = (max, min = 0) => {
const baseRandomNo = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min));
return min + baseRandomNo;

genRandomNumbers(10); // any number between 0 <= no < 10
genRandomNumbers(10, 5);// any number between 5 <= no < 10

It’s important to understand that numbers generated by Math.random() are pseudorandom, which means they can be guessed or reverse engineered. They are not random enough for cryptography, lotteries, or complex modeling

Advanced: A true random number generator

const genRandomNumbers = (max, min = 0) => {
const randomBuffer = new Uint32Array(1);
window.crypto.getRandomValues(randomBuffer); // Replace it with crypto module in NodeJs
const [randomNo] = randomBuffer; // No between 0 - 2^32
const randomFraction = randomNo / (0xffffffff + 1);
const randomNumber = Math.floor(randomFraction * (max - min)) + min;

return randomNumber;

genRandomNumbers(10); // any number between 0 <= no < 10
genRandomNumbers(10, 5); // any number between 5 <= no < 10

Reverse Number


Remove Duplicate values from an Array

Concat one array to another, without creating a new one.

Shuffle an array

Using Fisher-Yates shuffle Algorithm

Generate and Fill Array



Object to Map

Map to Object



Praveen Singh
Praveen Singh

Written by Praveen Singh

I’m a Full Stack Engineer with a passion for Frontend Development and large-scale System Design.

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