JavaScript: Everyday Utilities and Recipes
Table Of Content
· String
∘ isString
∘ Generate UUID
· Math
∘ isNumber
∘ Random Numbers
∘ Reverse Number
· Array
∘ Remove Duplicate values from an Array
∘ Concat one array to another, without creating a new one.
∘ Shuffle an array
∘ Generate and Fill Array
· Object
∘ Mixin
∘ Object to Map
∘ Map to Object
function isString(value) {
return typeof value === "string" || value instanceof String;
/* TEST */
console.log(isString("abc") === true);
console.log(isString(new String("abc")) === true); // just typeof value === "string" will miss the String Objects
Generate UUID
window.crypto.randomUUID() // '95a1faba-54c3-498f-8e9f-30968cc5d93f'
function isNumber(value) {
return typeof value === "number" && isFinite(value);
isNumber(10); // true
isNumber(5.1); // true
isNumber(NaN); // false, just typeof value === "number" will fail here
Random Numbers
Simple: Simple Random Number Generator (Good for most of the cases)
const genRandomNumbers = (max, min = 0) => {
const baseRandomNo = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min));
return min + baseRandomNo;
genRandomNumbers(10); // any number between 0 <= no < 10
genRandomNumbers(10, 5);// any number between 5 <= no < 10
It’s important to understand that numbers generated by
are pseudorandom, which means they can be guessed or reverse engineered. They are not random enough for cryptography, lotteries, or complex modeling
Advanced: A true random number generator
const genRandomNumbers = (max, min = 0) => {
const randomBuffer = new Uint32Array(1);
window.crypto.getRandomValues(randomBuffer); // Replace it with crypto module in NodeJs
const [randomNo] = randomBuffer; // No between 0 - 2^32
const randomFraction = randomNo / (0xffffffff + 1);
const randomNumber = Math.floor(randomFraction * (max - min)) + min;
return randomNumber;
genRandomNumbers(10); // any number between 0 <= no < 10
genRandomNumbers(10, 5); // any number between 5 <= no < 10
Reverse Number
Remove Duplicate values from an Array
Concat one array to another, without creating a new one.
Shuffle an array
Using Fisher-Yates shuffle Algorithm